September 18, 2024 -

  • (216) 831-3233
Congregation Mishkan Or


Click on the date on the monthly calendar below for service/program details.
A daily calendar appears under monthly calendar

29 Sep
September 29, 2024    
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Congregation Mishkan Or is pleased to present this historical video created before the merger of our two congregations. Our Temple’s Sacred Spaces:  A Conversation with [...]
29 Sep
September 29, 2024    
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Join us at Eddy’s Fruit Farm in Chesterland! Bring your youngsters to a family fun day picking apples and running around a farm. RSVP by [...]
01 Oct
October 1, 2024    
9:15 am
You may be looking to start your weekday with intention, seek comfort in prayer, remember a loved one through the recitation of Kaddish, or seek [...]
02 Oct
October 2, 2024    
6:00 pm
Join us at the Beachwood chapel for a special early Rosh HaShanah service led by our vibrant and passionate teens alongside Rabbi Rob Nosanchuk. Worship [...]
02 Oct
October 2, 2024    
7:30 pm
Rosh HaShanah Evening Service: Our Majestic Entry to the High Holy Days Join us for our unforgettable Rosh HaShanah evening services, designed to be a [...]
03 Oct
October 3, 2024    
9:00 am
Family Rosh HaShanah Morning Service for Limmud Students and their Families: An Enriching Experience for Those in Kindergarten through 6th Grade Join us for a [...]
03 Oct
October 3, 2024    
9:00 am
A Fun and Connective Celebration Bring your little ones to our special Tot High Holy Day Service, designed especially for children aged 0-5+ years. This [...]
03 Oct
October 3, 2024    
10:00 am
Rosh HaShanah Morning Services: A Majestic Congregational Experience Immerse yourself in the majestic and traditional High Holy Day worship with our Congregational Rosh HaShanah Morning [...]
03 Oct
October 3, 2024    
10:30 am
Shir HaLev Rosh HaShanah Service: A Contemporary and Stirring Experience (Beachwood Social Hall, 10:30 AM) For those seeking a modern worship experience, our alternative High [...]
03 Oct
October 3, 2024    
3:30 pm
This year, we are thrilled to announce that our Tashlich service will take place in the beautiful setting of Edgewater Park in Cleveland, by the [...]
05 Oct
October 5, 2024    
9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Adult Learning Options: Join Rabbi Roger Klein in the Hartzmark Room or by livestream. We will explore "The Struggles of our Prophets Moses [...]
06 Oct
October 6, 2024    
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Kever Dorot Service at Mayfield Cemetery The Kever Dorot service, formerly known as Kever Avot, is a meaningful opportunity to honor the memory of our [...]
07 Oct
October 7, 2024    
4:00 pm
WMO Book Discussions Women of Miskhan Or sponsors monthly book discussions and all are welcome. Monday, October 7 at 4:00pm the WMO Zoom Book group [...]
08 Oct
October 8, 2024    
9:15 am
You may be looking to start your weekday with intention, seek comfort in prayer, remember a loved one through the recitation of Kaddish, or seek [...]
11 Oct
October 11, 2024    
6:00 pm
Join us for a unique Yom Kippur Kol Nidre service led by our passionate teens alongside Rabbi Yael Dadoun. This special service will feature our [...]
11 Oct
October 11, 2024    
7:30 pm
Congregational Yom Kippur Evening Service: Our Majestic and Reflective Beginning Join us for our Yom Kippur evening Kol Nidre services, designed to be a majestic [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
9:00 am
A Fun and Connective Celebration Bring your little ones to our special Tot Yom Kippur Service, designed especially for children aged 0-5+ years. This engaging [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
9:00 am
Family Yom Kippur Morning Service for Limmud Students and their Families: An Enriching Experience for Those in Kindergarten through 6th Grade Join us for an [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
10:00 am
Yom Kippur Morning Services: A Majestic Congregational Experience Immerse yourself in the majestic and traditional High Holy Day worship with our Congregational Yom Kippur Morning [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
10:30 am
Alternative Yom Kippur Morning Service: A Contemporary and Stirring Experience (Beachwood Social Hall, 10:30 AM) For those seeking a modern worship experience, our Alternative Yom [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
12:15 pm
Yizkor: A Sacred Time of Remembrance and Reflection This year we are offering two options for the observance of Yizkor, a sacred time of remembrance [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
1:30 pm
YOM KIPPUR AFTERNOON STUDY AND REFLECTION OPPORTUNITIES As we journey through the sacred day of Yom Kippur at Congregation Mishkan Or, we invite you to [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
2:00 pm
YOM KIPPUR AFTERNOON STUDY AND REFLECTION OPPORTUNITIES As we journey through the sacred day of Yom Kippur at Congregation Mishkan Or, we invite you to [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
3:00 pm
Yom Kippur Afternoon Service Join us for our congregational Yom Kippur Afternoon Service, featuring the reading of the Torah and the Haftarah, including the poignant [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
4:15 pm
Yizkor: A Sacred Time of Remembrance and Reflection This year we are offering two options for the observance of Yizkor, a sacred time of remembrance [...]
12 Oct
October 12, 2024    
5:15 pm
Congregational Closing N’ilah Service As Yom Kippur draws to a close, join us for the N'ilah service, a powerful and uplifting conclusion to this sacred [...]
15 Oct
October 15, 2024    
9:15 am
You may be looking to start your weekday with intention, seek comfort in prayer, remember a loved one through the recitation of Kaddish, or seek [...]
17 Oct
October 17, 2024    
10:00 am - 11:00 am
18 Oct
October 18, 2024    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
19 Oct
October 19, 2024    
9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Adult Learning Options: Join Rabbi Roger Klein in the Hartzmark Room or by livestream. We will explore "The Struggles of our Prophets Moses [...]
22 Oct
October 22, 2024    
9:15 am
You may be looking to start your weekday with intention, seek comfort in prayer, remember a loved one through the recitation of Kaddish, or seek [...]
23 Oct
October 23, 2024    
10:00 am - 11:00 am
23 Oct
October 23, 2024    
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
More details, including how to RSVP for the pizza dinner, will be in your October newsletter and the weekly E-News. If you are not receiving [...]
23 Oct
October 23, 2024    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Join our clergy and the Rock My Soul Band as we unroll the entire Torah Scroll, sing, dance and celebrate the festival!
25 Oct
October 25, 2024    
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Join fellow Mishkan Or volunteers at BigHearted Blooms (5122 St Clair Ave., Cleveland) on Friday, Oct. 25, from 10:30-12:30 pm to repurpose discarded flowers from [...]
26 Oct
October 26, 2024    
9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Adult Learning Options: Join Rabbi Roger Klein in the Hartzmark Room or by livestream. We will explore "The Struggles of our Prophets Moses [...]
29 Oct
October 29, 2024    
9:15 am
You may be looking to start your weekday with intention, seek comfort in prayer, remember a loved one through the recitation of Kaddish, or seek [...]
02 Nov
November 2, 2024    
9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Adult Learning Options: Join Rabbi Roger Klein in the Hartzmark Room or by livestream. We will explore "The Struggles of our Prophets Moses [...]
Events on September 29, 2024
Events on October 1, 2024
01 Oct
Events on October 3, 2024
Events on October 5, 2024
Events on October 6, 2024
06 Oct
Events on October 7, 2024
07 Oct
Events on October 8, 2024
08 Oct
Events on October 15, 2024
15 Oct
Events on October 17, 2024
17 Oct
Events on October 18, 2024
18 Oct
Events on October 19, 2024
Events on October 22, 2024
22 Oct
Events on October 23, 2024
23 Oct
23 Oct
Events on October 25, 2024
25 Oct
Events on October 26, 2024
Events on October 29, 2024
29 Oct
Events on November 2, 2024

Upcoming Events



Documentary and Discussion: Under G-d

Wednesday | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm



Poetry Thursday

Thursday | 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm





Shabbat B'yachad

Saturday | 10:30 am - 11:30 am



Civic Engagement: Get Out the Vote

Sunday | 10:30 am - 12:30 pm



Tuesday Morning Minyan

Tuesday | 9:15 am



Poetry Thursday

Thursday | 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm



Erev Shabbat Service

Friday | 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm





Shabbat B'yachad

Saturday | 10:30 am - 11:30 am




Saturday | 7:00 pm



Our Temple's Sacred Spaces Program

Sunday | 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm



Family Apple Picking Day

Sunday | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm



Tuesday Morning Minyan

Tuesday | 9:15 am



Erev Rosh HaShanah

Wednesday | 7:30 pm