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Congregation Mishkan Or


Grandma’s Seder Plate: It’s Not the Story You Think It Is

Posted on June 26, 2012

The plate came into my possession along with many artifacts from my late Grandmother when my Dad was moving to a new house years ago. Several things were set aside for me: a hand-crocheted blanket of many colors, delicate lace pieces, faded photos and the plate that my Dad described as a “brass souvenir from Continue Reading »

One More Test Post

Posted on June 21, 2012

If you see this in your ACFT Facebook feed, please let me know: – THANKS!

Reading to your child

Posted on June 18, 2012

I found some notes that I have from a few years back.  Amazing how these statistics are still pertinent today!  I thought I would share them with you.  I hope you find this information as fascinating and eye-opening as I did: Children need to be read to for at least 1000 hours before the age Continue Reading »

Rabbi Rick Jacobs, New Reform Movement President on Hope for the Jewish Future

Posted on June 12, 2012

In recent days, Rabbi Rick Jacobs was installed as President of the Union for Reform Judaism, our national organization of Reform movement synaogues. In commenting on the Torah portion Shelach Lecha, he said: Like  Caleb and Joshua, I acknowledge the obstacles facing the Jewish community. And  like them I do not doubt that we can Continue Reading »

Student Rabbi Scott Fox in El Salvador this summer with AJWS

Posted on June 11, 2012

Today I’m starting on a very exciting journey to El Salvador organized by the American Jewish World Service!  I was selected to be a part of the Rabbinical Student’s Delegation to the country to serve as ambassadors to the community in El Salvador. Together we are traveling to the region of Cuidad Romero to work Continue Reading »

Shabbat Rituals at Home

Posted on June 5, 2012

Today’s post by rabbinical student Leah Citrin on the Union for Reform Judaism blog is all about Shabbat rituals you can incorporate at home.  Post is HERE. As Jews, we get to celebrate a holiday each and every week—how lucky are we! What’s even better is that it is a holiday that is meant to be Continue Reading »

The Jews of Cuba! – From Cantor Sarah Sager

Posted on June 5, 2012

There was a time when Cuba was accessible. It was colorful, multi-cultural, a kind of cross-roads for people, colonizing countries, wars, revolutions, and a series of governments that were, by turn, oppressive, corrupt, and authoritarian. And yet, despite the upheaval on the largest island of the West Indies, its people are warm and welcoming, its Continue Reading »

Exalted Moments

Posted on June 4, 2012

President Obama last week gave out 13 medals of honor, the highest award he has it in his power to grant: to folks whose contributions range from efforts for peaceful co-existence in the Middle East, music that has touched generations and cultures around the world, leading collegiate athletics with distinction and integrity and many others. A Continue Reading »

Great Change in Israel: Recognition/Support for Reform Rabbi

Posted on May 30, 2012

“Great Change in Israel” is posted on behalf of Tom Abelson, M.D.,  Past President of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple and Member of the Board of the Union for Reform Judaism   Great change can come in revolutions or in steps.  Israel has taken a giant step in the direction of religious tolerance and diversity.  And Continue Reading »

How children learn

Posted on May 30, 2012

I was doing some research and tripped upon an article about a book that addresses the optimum way a young child should learn.  The book was published in 2010, so the theories and research is still very relevant.   I chose to share this little piece of the article with you.  I will be sharing more Continue Reading »