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Wandering Jews – What One Family Learned Stepping into the World of American Jewry – Rabbi Joshua Caruso

Posted on July 26, 2013

This blog post is excerpted from the D’var Torah shared by Rabbi Joshua Caruso on Friday, July 12, 2013 at Kabbalat Shabbat Worship, a glimpse into the first findings of Rabbi Joshua Caruso after his six-month sabbatical journey with his family across the United States, exploring American Jewish history and the current realities of Jewish Continue Reading »

Lelyveld Reading Room Celebrates a Remarkable Life

Posted on July 25, 2013

This blog post is shared by our Librarian Julie Moss The next time you are at Fairmount Temple, we invite you to stop by our library, The Arthur J. Lelyveld Center for Jewish Learning, and visit the Lelyveld Reading Room. Established in honor of what would have been the 100th birthday of Rabbi Lelyveld in Continue Reading »

You Are Not Alone – Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk Teaching on Shabbat at Fairmount Temple – July 19, 2013

Posted on July 20, 2013

This blog post is excerpted from Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk’s remarks on Shabbat Vaetchanan, Friday, July 19, 2013 at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple. We encourage you to comment, post and share this post widely, as we utilize the “If Not Now, When?” interactive blog as an opportunity to raise important topics for community-wide discussion. The widely-regarded Continue Reading »

Summer Camp: Coming and Going

Posted on July 16, 2013

Hugs, laughter, kids full of stories…it’s just another summer camp session ending!  Many kids who attended first sessions of Jewish overnight camps have returned home recently bubbling with anecdotes about everything from their great cabin and amazing camp staff to new friendships and more.   According to the Foundation for Jewish Camp, “The impact of Jewish Continue Reading »

When God is Trivialized – Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaism

Posted on July 12, 2013

This offering is cross-posted from the website, and was offered by Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the President of the Union for Reform Judaism, the umbrella organization for the Reform Jewish movement, to which Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple is a long-time member. Please respond to the post below or share it with others, as we foster Continue Reading »

Yearnings: Jerusalem & the Onset of Teen Rebellion

Posted on July 3, 2013

“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, we also wept, when we remembered Zion.”           Tehillim (Psalms) Chapter 137, line 1 It is the one year anniversary of my first trip to Israel, and I have Jerusalem on my mind.  I am drawn back to the Tehillim (Psalms), as I have been Continue Reading »

The Time for Immigration Reform – Rabbis Organizing Rabbis Meeting in Broad Coalition Advocating to Ohio Senator Rob Portman

Posted on June 21, 2013

  This blog post is excerpted from the prepared remarks shared on Friday, June 21, 2013 by Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk, Senior Rabbi of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple in a meeting with Ohio Senator Rob Portman, convened together with Rabbi Rick Block, Rabbi Lewis Kamrass, and a broad coalition of supporters of comprehensive immigration reform in the US. Continue Reading »

Leadership Models for Our Time- D’var Torah by Rabbi Nosanchuk in Honor of Outgoing ACFT President Jim Levine

Posted on June 15, 2013

The blog post below is excerpted from remarks shared by Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, during Kabbalat Shabbat Worship on Friday, June 14, 2013. They were made in tribute and honor to outgoing Fairmount Temple President Jim Levine, at the conclusion of his three years service as our synagogue president. Effective July Continue Reading »

Choices We Face at the Border of a New Land – Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk Speaks on Jason Collins Recent “Coming Out”

Posted on June 1, 2013

This blog post on “If Not Now, When?” is excerpted from Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk’s remarks at Shabbat Shelach Lecha, Friday, May 31, 2013 at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple. We encourage you to share, respond, or consider carefully these teachings offered at our community’s Shabbat Worship service. You may also see a video archived of the Continue Reading »

Reflections on Hebrew High School Graduation – post by Lauren Smith, 12th Grade Fairmount Temple Brickner Award Winner

Posted on May 25, 2013

This blog post is excerpted from the thoughts shared by 2013 Religious School graduate Lauren Smith at the May 6, 2013 Graduation and Evening Worship Service, led by the entire class. Lauren Smith was selected to share these thoughts at graduation as a result of her having been chosen as the 12th grade winner of Continue Reading »