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The First Anniversary of the Sandy Hook School Shootings – Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk

Posted on December 16, 2013

This blog post on “If Not Now, When?” the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, is excerpted from the keynote address shared by Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk at the Cleveland Commemoration of the Sandy Hook Shootings, sponsored by the Multi-Faith Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, held at the Church of the Covenant, Euclid Avenue, in Continue Reading »

Passing the Torah – Susan Ringel, Fairmount Temple Religious School 3rd Grade Instructor

Posted on December 2, 2013

This blog post on “If Not Now, When?” the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple was written by Susan Ringel, Fairmount Temple member, third grade religious school and Women of Fairmount Temple instructor. It is a reflection on a recent experience shared as part of her religious school classroom in our Fairmount Temple Religious School. For Continue Reading »

A Call to Remember JFK’s Values and Not Only The Way He Died – Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk, November 22, 2013

Posted on November 23, 2013

This blog post on “If Not Now, When?’ is excerpted from the remarks of Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk on Shabbat Vayeshev – Friday, November 22, 2013, the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. We encourage you to share this post widely, to comment below and in other venues and continue this valuable Continue Reading »

Supporting Our Work of Chesed – An Invitation to Help from Rabbi Robert A. Nosanchuk

Posted on November 22, 2013

A new member recently approached me in the school wing of temple,  so gratified that he and his partner had chosen to make Anshe Chesed their home as a Jewish family. Another saw me after a Shabbat service, grateful for my assistance at the naming of his granddaughter, and asked me how he could best Continue Reading »

I’m Worried about My Child’s Speech, Should I Be?

Posted on October 9, 2013

This article is from Gooseling Parenting Blog ( We thought this would be of great interest to our parents. – By Jennifer Katz, MS, CCC-SLPA question I hear over and over is, “how do I know if my child needs speech therapy?” My first response is to determine if a speech and language assessment is Continue Reading »

From Hattiesburg, MS to Beachwood, OH – Rabbi Joshua Caruso

Posted on October 3, 2013

This post on “If Not Now, When?” the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple previews Rabbi Caruso’s upcoming series of classes based on cities he visited in his recent January to June 2013 sabbatical travel across America, and his reflections and invitation to the upcoming weekend honoring Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld, z’l, whose 100th Continue Reading »

L’Chaim! : A Shabbat Teaching by Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk – Friday September 27, 2013

Posted on October 3, 2013

This post on “If Not Now, When?” the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple is excerpted from the remarks of Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk at Shabbat worship on Friday, September 27, 2013. He spoke about his internship supervisor when he was in rabbinical school, Rabbi Chaim Stern z’l, and the influence of Rabbi Stern on his Continue Reading »

Being Jewish is Something You Do – Fairmount Temple Middle School Teacher Lindsay Marcus

Posted on October 2, 2013

This post on “If Not Now, When?” the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple is adapted from the remarks shared by Lindsay Marcus, who moderated our annual Stern Social Action Lecture on Yom Kippur, assisted by Amy Garnitz. We encourage you to respond below, to forward or post these words as a way of Continue Reading »

Terms of Endearment – A Tribute to Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld by Cantor Sarah Sager

Posted on September 25, 2013

This post on “If Not Now, When?” the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple was written by Cantor Sarah Sager as a tribute to Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld, whose 100th birthday milestone we will honor on October 11-12, 2013 during Shabbat evening worship, Shabbat morning Torah study and a celebratory luncheon on Saturday October Continue Reading »

Special Friday Nights of Shabbat – by Executive Director Steven Borstein

Posted on September 23, 2013

“Six days a week we wrestle with the world, wringing profit from the earth; on the Sabbath we especially care for the seed of eternity planted in the soul. The world has our hands, but our soul belongs to Someone Else. Six days a week we seek to dominate the world, on the seventh day Continue Reading »